tutorsIt is never too early to think about university. The earlier you begin, the greater the chance of success. Admission to top universities requires clear achievement at GCSE level, and for certain paths such as Medicine, pupils may need to start thinking about their experience, A Level choices, and application even earlier.

There is also fierce competition for places on top courses at the leading universities. The increasing number of students means that admissions are becoming more complex, as universities use different methods to try and separate the exceptional candidates from those who are ‘merely excellent’. These universities want applicants who are genuinely motivated and inspired by their subject; who can think independently and flexibly; and who have high academic potential, regardless of their background.

A key factor in success is the quality of support and guidance available as pupils approach this stage. Acorn House has a long track record of developing students for admission to Medicine, Dentistry, Optometry, Biochemistry, Pharmacy and Engineering programmes, and other competitive science- or maths-based degrees at leading universities.

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