Acorn House produces excellent examination results – both at an absolute level of achievement and in comparison to other colleges in West London. Moreover, we have a long history of maintaining a consistent performance year-on-year, knowing how to encourage each student to perform at their best.

Particular highlights of our results last year include the average point score per student at GCSE level, and the Value Added Score in progress from GCSE to A Level, both of which were highly competitive in 2014.


Government (DfE) SCHOOL LEAGUE TABLES 2014: Value Added Score

The ‘Value Added Score’ indicates the overall improvement of students’ grades at a school. In 2014, Acorn House College achieved the highest among all local competitors at +0.30.

This success speaks to our fundamental goal of inspiring each individual student to improving on past achievements during their time with us, regardless of the academic level at which they started.

Acorn House College+0.30
Mander Portman Woodward+0.25
Ealing Independent College+0.25
Lansdowne College+0.04
David Game College+0.03
Regent College Harrow-0.04
Chelsea Independent-0.05
Bales College-0.57

Government (DfE) 2014 Results, Published 2015

Based on published league tables, Acorn House is one of the highest scoring A level and GCSE independent colleges in London.

West London Colleges
GCSE, KS4 Total Point Score Per Pupil
A Level, % achieving at least 3 A Levels A*-E
Acorn House College27490%
Chelsea Independent267.585%
Bales College239.127%
Villiers High School300.085%
Ealing Independent College112.295%
David Game College24.676%
Davies Laing & Dick College155.259%
Wentworth Tutorial College106.055%


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