With a half-term gone in 2016 already, the academic year is racing by and with Acorn House students beginning to receive interviews and offers from their chosen universities, it feels like A level and GCSE examinations are just around the corner.

University Updates

Arriving at the Cruciform building for medical school interviews at UCL

I am excited and nervous for our students who have been interviewing for their places at university this term and last. My congratulations go to those who have already received competitive offers from universities including UCL and Imperial College London and ‘fingers-crossed’ for those still waiting. My thoughts have also been with those applying to Oxbridge, medical school and dentistry.

As a group, the medicine and dentistry candidates have been working with me at our weekly seminar to improve interview technique, share ideas and practice for their toughest tests to date. They have also had some pretty tough mock interviews with me! Oxbridge, medicine and dentistry are perhaps the most challenging university interviews of all and I wish the five Acorn House candidates still waiting to hear about their places to study medicine or dentistry the best of luck.

I have been fortunate to be have been able to continue my work this year with UCL medical school as an interviewer on their admissions panel and enjoyed putting this year’s candidates through their paces. I was also fortunate to be offered the opportunity to observe medical school and dentistry interviews this year at Barts and the London hospital, Queen Mary University where I saw some outstanding candidates. I am privileged to be able to witness the admissions procedure, first hand at another of London’s leading medical schools.

Awaiting instructions at Queen Mary University - the interviews take place behind the blue screens!

View of the Shard and the Gherkin from Barts and the London Hospital for Queen Mary University, London

The entrance to ‘Lab8′ our much-awaited new premises!

Open Evening and Lab8

LAB8 after what feels like a long time is almost ready to use and I am proud to say that it has been worth the wait! We are looking forward to our next open evening which will be held in the new space on Wednesday 2nd March 2016 from 7pm onwards.

The whole college community is excited about using our brand new classrooms and lab. All are welcome to attend the open evening but if you would like to secure your place do book your space today on our Open Day page.



A Happy Birthday

The principal celebrated his birthday at the college on Friday and was treated very well by students and staff. A huge thank you is due to those who made the cake and who contributed to gifts! Most generous and a happy birthday!

Have a restful half-term break.

John Wilson, Feb 2016

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