Biology is arguably the science of the 21st century. It is the science of life, health and human existence. Open a newspaper, visit a news website or watch the television news on any given day and you are likely to encounter a story related to biology and the study of life. Perhaps a new treatment has been developed, a new species has been discovered, data on climate change is being presented or a biological interpretation of a human behaviour is being debated. Biology students will learn about the development of life from its early origins through to the complexity we see today and from the tiniest biochemicals inside our cells through to the gigantic ecosystems and biomes.

Biology students are numerate, literate and appreciative of the world around them, which prepares them well for almost any career or degree programme. Of course, biology is essential for any student wishing to study medicine or a medical science but there are a vast number of careers and degree options open to students who have A level biology. In common with the other science subjects biology is considered a facilitating subject by the Russell Group of universities.

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