If you would like to apply to study an 18 Month A Level course with Acorn House, click here to fill out our application form, or contact us:

Tel: +44 (0)20 8571 9900

Email: [email protected]

Our 18 Month A Level course option begins in January. It is particularly suited to students who are wishing to retake the full 2-year A Level course, but who were unable to begin in September, or who wish to move schools following a term in Lower Sixth elsewhere.

Course Structure

The first year’s worth of modules for the A Level course will be condensed into the Spring and Summer terms in Lower Sixth, ending in June. Students will then be able to complete their final year of A Level study in the ordinary calendar structure, from September to June.


How students benefit from our 18 Month A Level Course

The exams students sit in Sixth Form will have a significant impact on their applications to university. Acorn House College is highly experienced in providing intensive courses to help students improve their grades so that they can go on to study at the university of their choosing.

Throughout the 18 month intensive A Level course, our experienced teaching staff and UCAS advisors will support students to maximise their success in school exams, as well as in their preparations for university entrance tests (such as the UKCAT, BMAT or LNAT). We will support each individual candidate through each element of their university applications throughout Sixth Form.


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